Though it is not impossible to demolish an existing property all by yourself, it can be more cost-efficient and less labour intensive to seek the help of a demolition company. Bellaluca Demolition & Construction can help take a lot of the stresses out of arranging a demolition and ensure it is taken care of efficiently and professionally, so you don’t run into any problems later on down the line. Whether you’re building your new home or selling off the land, it is important your demolition is done right.
We have experts on hand to help take you through each step of the process and give you an upfront quote of how much the process may cost. However, if you’re looking to get a good idea of what the process may involve and how long it may take, this useful guide will take you through step by step.

The first step is to acquire the necessary permissions in order to carry out the work. This means going through and negotiating with your local Perth council in order to obtain these necessary approvals. Bellaluca holds a Perth demolition license which already takes out some of the hassles here. Once obtained, the next part of this process is to disconnect all mains services; this includes gas, electricity, water, sewage and any telecommunications lines. This we will arrange. Anything that needs to be kept or saved from the current property, we will organise for it to be salvaged. We aim to be as efficient with this as possible.
In order to begin with the demolition of your Perth property, we have to ensure your property is completely free of vermin. In order to do this, your home must be rat bated, meaning that it is required that you have fully vacated the property at this point. This is a requirement of your demolition license and is expected to take up to a period of 3-weeks prior to the demolition. This step is important in ensuring a rodent infestation in your local neighbourhood doesn’t occur as a result of the demolition.
Your Perth home is now ready for demolition, all the necessary arrangements have been made, and all vermin destroyed. This will begin in a matter of days; however, the process itself is expected to take roughly between 6-8 weeks. For this reason, it is important to set realistic dates for when you may be expecting to begin work on any construction that you may be planning after the demolition has taken place. Something to consider during the process is the cost of rent; if the property you are demolishing is your primary household, you may need to rent a place to stay if no other residencies are available since the process will take over a month.
The whole process may be more costly and time-consuming if you do decide to go through with demolition yourself. Bellaluca aims to minimise both; if you’re looking for a reputable and respected demolition team in Perth, give Bellaluca a call today.